The Skincare Benefits Of Papaya

When it comes to skincare ingredients it can be hard to figure out what ingredients really work and which ones you should be looking for. So often when you look at a product you’re bombarded with a long list of fruits, herbs, oils and more and you genuinely have no idea what any of them are doing there. Well, we’re going to pick out some of the ingredients in our products and let you know a few of the benefits that led us to choose them. Today we’re going to look at just why we use papaya.

Why Use Papaya In Skincare?


All of the ingredients we select for our products are carefully considered with the health and radiance of our customers’ skin in mind. As well as chosen for their unique qualities which allow them to boost the effectiveness of our products and target specific areas. In the case of papaya, we’re looking to use it for products that will not only make skin appear radiant and glowing—but which will also help to reduce the signs of ageing.

Vitamin A And Vitamin C


Papaya is rich in both vitamins A and C—these are especially important when it comes to reducing the effects of ageing, in particular working to combat fine lines and wrinkles. This is because these vitamins work as antioxidants to combat the effects of what are known as ‘free radicals’. Free radicals help to accelerate the breakdown of both collagen and elastin in the skin—both of which contribute to the signs of premature ageing.

Beta Hydroxy Acid

What’s the key to radiant skin? Exfoliation. And skincare products that use papaya will work as natural exfoliators—this is because papaya contains Beta Hydroxy Acid or BHA. BHA is a gentle and soothing exfoliant that removes dead skin cells from the outer layers leaving your skin looking fresh and radiant.


Papaya isn’t the only ingredient that contains BHA—it is, however, the only one which contains papain. Think of papain as an amplifier, one that takes BHA and really turns up the volume on its effectiveness. Helping to remove dead skin, unclog your pores, and reduce other skin impurities—all leading to radiant and glowing skin that will shine all day.

Make It A Part Of Your Five A Day


Of course, you don’t have to restrict yourself to just using papaya in your skincare routine—you can enjoy some amazing skincare and additional benefits by working papaya into your diet too. And it doesn’t hurt that this bold and vibrant fruit is bursting with flavour—working equally well in a pick me up tropical smoothie, a colourful fruit salad, or even a homemade sorbet.

Bonus Perks


By eating papaya as a regular part of your diet you aren’t just enjoying all the skincare benefits—especially when it comes to antioxidants—you’re also benefitting from its other properties. And as we all know, healthy skin and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand. For example, eating papaya as a part of a healthy and balanced diet can help to reduce the risk of eye degeneration, boost cholesterol, and improve your digestive system.

DIY Skincare


Our serums aren’t the only way you can incorporate papaya into your skincare routine—there are also a number of fun and quirky DIY facemasks you can try at home that highlight the skincare benefits of papaya. One of our favourites also spotlights another key ingredient in our skincare products—tumeric. By making a facemask from a thin layer of mashed papaya blended with a subtle dash of turmeric you can really help your skin look and feel great.

Of course—nothing beats the effects of a skillfully crafted serum that helps to use ingredients such as papaya to target the signs of premature ageing and leaves your skin glowing with a radiant shimmer. To get this effect and to do so with a touch of luxury—you need our regenerating gold concentrate serum which can be found in our store here

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