How to leave lockdown with healthy, nourished skin

The lockdown has been a challenge for so many reasons. From empty shelves to our finances, isolation and children at home, it’s fair to say our skincare products and beauty routines have not been at the forefront of our minds.

As women, the added time pressures have hit us hard and it shows on our skin. Dry skin, breakouts, acne and blemishes mean our lockdown skin is probably not at its best.

Lockdown here in the UK was literally given at 12-hours notice – it caught us all off guard. Yet we now face the prospect of heading back out into the world again and we want to do that looking our best.

With the possibility of having to endure further lockdowns in the future, knowing how best to look after our skin during isolation is a unique Covid-19 era skill for us all to master. How can we leave lockdown with healthy, nourished skin?

Let’s take a look at my top tips for healthy skin during isolation using the best natural skincare products.

Every natural ingredient mentioned can be found within at least one of our natural beauty products. All of our luxury, natural skincare products are available to buy online here in the UK. Each item is specially formulated to meet the specific skin care needs of women of colour and in stock!

3 top tips to boost skin health and overcome lockdown skin

#1 Beat dry, dull lockdown skin:

If you’re wondering why your skin has become so dry during isolation there are a number of factors at play. Apart from daily walks or online fitness classes we are all spending much more time in stationary positions.

Having lost our usual routines, it is easy for us to forget that we still need to drink lots of water to keep our body, including our skin, properly hydrated. Hydration is not the only change that our bodies have had to deal with.

Central heating, warm rooms, interrupted sleep patterns, stress, a lack of vitamin-rich foods and more, are all elements of lockdown life that have left so many of us with dry patches on our skin.

Applying moisturiser can still leave skin feeling dry long-term because moisturiser locks in moisture. To combat dry skin, look for natural skincare products with hyaluronic acid that will help to supplement your organic production.

Our body produces hyaluronic acid to hydrate our skin and ensure that it retains enough moisture. By boosting your depleted levels of hyaluronic acid you can help to keep your skin supple and seal in nourishing moisturisers and oils. Take a look at our luxurious, regenerating gold concentrate serum for the best, natural solution to dry skin. <to serum>

Don’t forget too, to drink plenty of water, get outdoors when you can and try not to let rooms get too warm, using a humidifier if necessary to combat the damaging effects of warm interiors.

#2 Banish breakouts: The coronavirus pandemic has played havoc with our eating habits. From not being able to find what we need on the shelves, to being unable to shop where we want, having snacks to hand, eating at different times and so much more, it is no surprise that spots, acne and other inflammations are a common problem. Sugary foods can inflame our skin. Meanwhile stress can cause our body’s sebum and cortisol production to go into overdrive. The result? Oily skin, reduced collagen, dryness, delicate skin and so much more. Combined with a shortage of vitamin-laden foods, it is no surprise that we are suffering with unwanted flare ups.  Get things under control with natural skincare products rich in kakadu plum. Kakadu plum is a spectacular ancient superfood with an enormous range of benefits for your skin, including potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, anti-fungals, anti-carcinogenics and more. Try our lush refining face polish for powerful skin renewal. <to face polish

3# Promote smooth, supple skin:

With our skin suffering in so many ways, it is a good time to invest in a revitalising face masque that can restore and refresh tired skin. Smooth lockdown skin away with our clarifying diamond masque – a sumptuous, pampering masque bursting with diamond, AHA fruit acids, green clay and more. <to masque>.

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